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The Bike Conference
January 31st, 2012 at 7:41 am


It's 2012.  People are thinking outside the box, especially in the corporate world.  Work no longer refers to where you go, but more importantly, what you do - and how you do it.  Take the traditional conference for example -- a number of employees shuffling into an ordinary office, sitting around an ordinary table, taking ordinary notes in an ordinary notebook.  You know what the end result is don't you? Ordinary ideas, ordinary insights, and ordinary results. 


Looking to be more than ordinary? I would hope so.


Wouldn't it be fun to try something new?  Something that would generate creativity, excitement, and innovation.  Check this out – the conference bike.  It's a bike peddled by seven riders who sit in circular position around a steering wheel.  One person steers, while the others pedal in unison to achieve an effortless and fun mode of transportation!    Talk about teamwork and creativity – the perfect elements of an effective meeting. 


Let's take it one step further.  Alexander Kjerulf, one of the world's leading experts on happiness in the workplace is on a world-wide crusade to educate companies on the benefits of working in exciting, unique, and ENJOYABLE physical spaces.  Click Here to check out some of his inspirations.  These companies are taking the “conference bike” to a whole new level.


Show these ideas to your boss and see how willing he is to replace tables, chairs, and cubicles with twisty slides, tube tunnels, and bouncy trampolines.  Even if he's opposed, I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it. 

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