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Getting Paid to Browse Facebook...? Not Exactly
January 31st, 2012 at 4:59 am



Do you update your Facebook status or browse Stub-Hub for hockey tickets on the job?  If you do, chances are you're looking over your shoulder to make sure your supervisor isn't watching.   RELAX.   You'll never believe what a recent article in TrainingIndustry.com stated:


According to the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne:   "Workers who engage in workplace Internet leisure browsing are 9 percent more productive than those who don't".  Why? Leisure browsing generates ideas and discussion, boosts engagement and productivity, and sparks creativity amidst the mundane duties of a standard workday.  Some go as far as considering leisure browsing to be adding to an employee's knowledge-base, thereby fulfilling companies' overall objectives. 


Sounds far-fetched?  Believe it or not, there is some truth to these statements.  What do leisure Internet browsing and corporate productivity have in common?  It's all about the platform.


The vast migration toward E-Learning and real-time collaboration in the workplace can only be attributed to today's incredible attraction to the virtual sharing world.  Individuals who engage in virtual knowledge sharing are indeed strengthening the mobile business world and demonstrating the power of harnessing brainpower regardless of time or space. 


So tell your boss to allow her employees to sharpen their Facebook skills.  Have your manager encourage eBay bidding and Craigslist negotiating during company time.  Want to demonstrate that creativity and shoe shopping go hand- in-hand in the workplace? Now's your chance to prove it!

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