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December 5th, 2017 at 1:33 pm

Females are changing the face of the game across the globe. From the recent #MeToo sexual assault and abuse awareness campaign, to the election of Danica Roem, Virginia's first openly transgender elected official, women are stepping up and making their voices heard about issues that affect us all.

Women all over are finding out it is possible to have it all, whether that's your dreams of balancing a life-changing career and being a mom too, or opening your own business.

Women bring value to both the home and the workplace alike in areas they differ from men. The most important part in going after your ambitions is discovering what sets you apart from the pack. Is it your passion? Is it your never-ending drive? Is it something softer but equally as valuable, such as your compassion? Your ability to peace-make? Your solution skills? Where is it that your skills shine?

3Leaf Group is committed to providing cutting edge titles of diverse topics relevant to the state of the world now, and that includes the topics that women are fighting for: equality and diversity. Scroll through our titles and you will find a wide range of diverse authors, from Colin Powell to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Gray to Linda Babcock. 3Leaf does, and always will offers a vast array of views so that you may be as knowledgeable as possible.

September 27th, 2017 at 3:22 pm

When you hear the word "talent", you probably associate the term with American Idol, the Olympics - or Sterling K. Brown in his Emmy-winning turn as Randall Pearson in the hit show This Is Us.  Let's talk about talent in the workplace.  You know, that thing that initially got you hired.  


Talent is in high demand.  Manpower documented that 52% of American companies are struggling to fill open positions.  Why?  They're looking for individuals with specific credentials and proven performance.  Where do these credentials and performance come from?  You're probably thinking tuition dollars -- but more importantly, your credentials and performance come from…..your talent.  Talent is your natural, innate ability, your personal aptitude –something you just have.   


Ideally, individuals consider their natural ability and interest level when choosing an occupation.  For example, if you enjoy writing (which I obviously do) and believe you are decent at it, pursue a career in which you will maximize your writing abilities.    That's where talent in the workplace comes into play.  Recognize your natural abilities, sharpen your skills (through education and/or experience), and contribute to your organization with the proficiencies only you can provide.   


However, there is a perpetual battle in the workplace (primarily among trainers and managers) known as the TALENT VS. POTENTIAL battle. While talent is the natural ability to do and perform, potential refers to the possibility of doing and performing an even greater job function – but the abilities are not quite there. Potential requires training, coaching, and development. Potential refers to the future. Talent is in the present – it's what you already bring to the table. Potential can be enticing in managers' eyes because they may want to mold the individual and his/her talent into a different, perhaps larger role.  Although potential is exciting and can generate positive performance in the future, a talented individual is one who demonstrates both high performance and high potential.  Bottom line, the talent has to be in place before the potential. 


So – what's your talent?  Why were you hired?  Did your hiring manager recognize a spark within you – a void that couldn't be filled by another? And do you look for that same spark in your subordinates? Whether you developed your abilities through your education or your previous experience, there's no doubt your abilities originated from a natural, innate place.  It's your responsibility to contribute to your company by utilizing your strengths and your talents and the same holds true for those beneath you.  If you do so – you may well be rewarded for your talents, or perhaps recognized for greater potential. 


Just remember, our workforce is seeking talented individuals – ones who come with those initial abilities to get the job done.  Your personal abilities contribute to your company in a way that no other can.  So bring forth your talent – remember why you were hired in the first place – by demonstrating your value and your uniqueness, and ultimately, your continuous potential.

August 21st, 2017 at 10:37 am

More people than ever are listening to audiobooks. Their needs are varied, the reasons are vast, and the information is instantaneous. According to the Audio Publishers Association, over 67 million Americans listened to an audiobook last year. That's the greatest number audiobook statistics have seen in recent years, and the number only continues to grow.

Why audiobooks? Why are so many people keen on the listened word? My personal favorite reason, and I believe the sweetest, is that most people still enjoy being read to. Who doesn't look back fondly on their childhood days, curled up before bedtime, as a parent read you that magical book of fairy tales? Audiobooks bring back that feeling of sweet nostalgia.

The other top two reasons people are gravitating toward audiobooks is the ease that audiobooks present. 1) Multitasking made simple. Americans are busier than ever these days, and hours for sitting and reading a book are rare, if impossible, these days. Audiobooks provide an easy solution, whether you're road-tripping, pounding out the miles on the treadmill, or walking your dog. 2) Portability. That iPhone you're probably reading this blog on right now is the #1 device people use for their listening pleasure. There's no extra baggage, no bulky hardcover to haul around. Audios can easily voyage with you wherever you go, no matter how far off the grid you fall.

We've introduced a few reasons here why folks love listening to audios. What are yours? Include them in the comments below, and they could be picked for an upcoming article.

There were over 50,000 audiobook titles published in 2016 alone. Go out there and enjoy 'em!

July 6th, 2017 at 12:08 pm

Did you know that the 3Leaf Group Audiobook Program is now available to the ENTIRE National Guard? That's right! We are now servicing the entire NGB under the auspices of the NGB Equal Opportunity and Diversity program. This opens up endless possibilities for Airmen and their families.

Take a look at what some Members are saying about the program:

“The audios have made a difference for me in the way I approach obstacles, changing my attitude, and positive ways of communicating, to name a few. I am so grateful that I have a chance to be a member of the 3Leaf Group. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.” –Shirley H.

“I owe much of my ability to promote to higher ranks and positions to the education I received from the 3Leaf Group.  I would never be able to read the number of books I was able to absorb with my ears on my daily commute.” –SGT1 Arthur K., CA ANG

“Thanks to this program I have learned a lot on guidance on how to balance military and family and succeed. Thank you.” –Emelissa R.


Want to get involved? E-mail us for further information at info@3leafgroup.com. Can't wait to hear from you!


February 1st, 2017 at 11:28 am

It's February 1.  An entire month has passed since the inception of our ground-breaking plans to better ourselves.  

Anyone making progress? 

I've often heard complaints about the gym being too crowded during the month of January.  Too many people believing they'll stick to an exercise routine that will actually help them shed the 10-15 lbs. they've been meaning to shed for the past 10-15 years.  

If you have met with success or at least maintained consistency on your road to improvement – good for you.  As for the others, well, there's always next year.   

So what makes New Year's resolutions so exciting?  What's all the hype about? Change. Improvement. Advancement.  Everyone is up for a little change.  Especially when the change is for the better.  The idea of starting with a fresh slate is always enticing and encouraging.  

So, if you're having a difficult time sticking with your goals don't get discouraged.  Break down your goals into smaller, attainable steps - or set up landmarks along the way.  Reward yourself for reaching the small accomplishments (and no, in this case, a pie of pizza doesn't count as a reward).  Don't get discouraged. Working out 3 days a week instead of every day for the rest of the year is probably a more attainable aspiration.  

Change is exciting – but you have to work hard for it – consistently.  If your resolution was to pound the gym – I hope your sneakers haven't already accumulated dust.  Bottom line, don't get burned out.  After all, it is only February 1. 

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