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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
January 16th, 2018 at 3:11 pm

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.  We've heard this line before.  Sure, men and women differ in many ways – we express ourselves differently, communicate differently, and react to situations differently.  But if we'd all be a little more honest, patient, and understanding (ahem, ladies) – I think we'd expose some secrets about gender roles we may not have recognized before.

Gentleman – you're about to be exposed.   Here are top 10 secrets guys wished you knew (according to a group of psychologists studying gender roles, of course.)

  1.  Men Say “I Love You” with actions:  For the men of few words – actions speak louder than words.  Instead of actually verbalizing his love, your guy may take out the trash, fix the leaky sink, or set the table – just to show you he cares. 

2.  Contrary to popular belief – men take commitment seriously:  It may take them longer to build trust and feel comfortable, but once they are committed – most men are in it for the long run.  In fact, a recent study showed that 90% of married men claim they would marry the same woman again.

3.  He REALLY is listening:  Women often respond with “yes” or “I see” while listening to someone else talk.  Often times, men prefer to listen quietly – but don't worry, they're still listening - most of time ;)

4. Shared activities form bonds:  Men strengthen their relationship through activities rather than expressing or verbalizing their feelings.  Physical interaction like sports and intimacy make men feel closer to their loved one.

5.  Men need time to themselves:  Call it nurturing his individuality or blowing off steam.  Regardless, guys need time to themselves.  Encourage your man to pursue his hobbies – and give him the space he needs.

6.  Men learn from their fathers:  The good, the bad, and the ugly – guys learn a lot from their dads.  Whether they choose to follow in their footsteps or go the opposite direction – men are influenced by their father's relationships. 

7.  Men let go faster than women:  Women tend to dwell on negative experiences or arguments longer than men do.  If a woman wants to discuss last night's argument, the guy may have already put it behind him. On the positive side – here's to forgiving and forgetting!

8.  Men don't pick up on subtle hints:  When it comes to communicating with men, it's best to be direct.  Chances are they won't pick up on cues like tone of voice or facial expressions.

9.  Men respond positively to appreciation:  Compliment him, validate him, and appreciate him.  Men are more responsive and more willing to help when they feel competent and needed.

10.  Men stray when their needs aren't met:  Although men are committed, they need to be appreciated and assured that their needs are met.  If not – they will seek satisfaction from other sources.  That's why it's important to communicate and make sure that both yours and his needs are met.

 What do the guys think?  True?  Untrue?

 Rebuttals welcome... (be nice)

 Ladies…Opinions?  Speak now before YOUR relationship secrets are revealed:) 


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